A) There are a couple of ways you can retrieve a copy of your 1099-G from 2020: Here’s some additional information that might be helpful:...
I have worked in total for this employer for 31 years. I am being closed out of the benefits in both NY and FL. Is there no accommodation for remote employment?
Q) I worked remotely for the past 22 years here in Florida, and 9 years before that in NY, where the company is based (PO...
If I take on a contract job that ends in say – 3 months, will I still be eligible for unemployment
Q) I was just laid off last Friday and am applying for unemployment benefits this week. If I take on a contract job that ends...
How do I get my work history from 1985 to 2001?
A) To obtain your work history from 1985 to 2001, you may need to take the following steps: Keep in mind that some records may...
My housing need EDD work history printout, payment history printout…
Q) My housing need EDD work history printout, payment history printout, and a letter said stop benefit. I called EDD many times but it told...
I still do not have my 1099G from my unemployment last year.
Q) I still do not have my 1099G from my unemployment last year. It’s getting a little late to be filing taxes. I’ve checked several...
I received unemployment from the middle of June to the middle of August
Q) I received unemployment from the middle of June to the middle of August when I was unemployed from a local school district. I do...
My brother has stage four lung cancer. He needs a letter on letterhead stating that he no longer receives unemployment.
Q) My brother has stage four lung cancer. I am his sister and am helping him get benefits. He needs a letter on letterhead stating that...
Am I eligible for Unemployment insurance? I had worked a school for 3 years, although it was only a 10.5 month position.
Q) Am I eligible for Unemployment insurance? I had worked a school for 3 years, although it was only a 10.5 month position. Due to divorce...
I am unsure how to put my employer info on application. I worked 6 months for temp, then hired for one year.
Q) I am unsure how I should put my employer information on the application. The company i worked for only hired through temp agencies, for...