Where can I apply for Family & Medical leave in Washington
A) In the state of Washington, employees can apply for Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) through the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I)....
Where I can apply for family & medical leave in Washington
A) In the state of Washington, employees can apply for family and medical leave through the Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD). The ESD administers...
I was threatened by someone who said they were going to shoot me so I left
Q) I’ve worked here for the last 4 years, I was threatened by someone who said they were going to shoot me so I left...
How do I get proof that I do not receive unemployment benefits?
Q) How do I get proof that I do not receive unemployment benefits if I am disabled? My apartment manager is requesting a document that...
I am a disabled registered nurse looking for employment. I am very good with assessments and love paperwork
Q) I am a disabled registered nurse looking for employment. I am very good with assessments and love paperwork. I care very much for others and...
My release date was Feb 16. I was given 13 week severance package. Must I file unemployment now or after 13 weeks.
Q) My release date was Feb 16, 2018 for lack of work. I was given a severance package for 13 weeks. Must I file for...
Was working 11 to 7am shifts, was not safe, I was verbally attacked by drug addicts. can I collect unemployment?
Q) Hi I worked at a hotel for 4 months on the Cape doing front desk plus security but i had to leave late December...
I have not received any benefits since completing all my forms. Need to know what’s going on. My claim form was mailed on the 28th of January.
Q) I have not received any benefits since completing all my forms. Need to know what’s going on. My claim form was mailed on the 28th...
I need to be able to prove I don’t work at my previous job. Can I get a printout of my employment history from the unemployment office?
Q) I need to be able to prove I don’t work at my previous job. Can I get a printout of my employment history from...
Been working at my establishment for 5 years, recently suspended for a week because i accidentally closed out a check wrong…
Q) I have been working for at my establishment for 5 years i was recently suspended for a week because i accidentally closed out a check...