How do I get proof that I do not receive unemployment benefits?
Q) How do I get proof that I do not receive unemployment benefits if I am disabled? My apartment manager is requesting a document that specifies this. Does such a document exist?
A) To obtain proof that you do not receive unemployment benefits, you can typically request a letter or document from your state’s unemployment office that confirms your non-eligibility for benefits. The exact process for requesting this documentation may vary depending on your jurisdiction, but in general you can follow these steps:
- Contact your state’s unemployment office. You can typically find their contact information on the official website of the state government.
- Explain that you need documentation that confirms that you are not currently receiving unemployment benefits. They may ask for some personal information, such as your name and Social Security number, to verify your identity.
- Ask what specific documentation they can provide and how you can request it. Some offices may provide an official letter or form that confirms your non-eligibility, while others may require you to submit a written request.
- Follow the instructions provided by the unemployment office to request and obtain the documentation. You may need to provide some additional information, such as a mailing address, to receive the document by mail.
It’s worth noting that the process for obtaining this documentation can vary depending on the jurisdiction, and there may be fees or processing times associated with the request. It’s a good idea to contact the unemployment office in advance to get information on the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining documentation that confirms your non-receipt of benefits.
You can visit or call your local state unemployment office and speak with a counselor regrading your need for this document. They may be able to customize a letter for you..
State Directory for Reporting Unemployment Identity Theft
Refer to each state’s specific guidance around reporting unemployment identity theft. Some states may refer to unemployment as “reemployment assistance” or may refer to identity theft as “imposter fraud”.
Never send personal information or documents to unverified sites or in response to requests from social media. The resources below have been verified by state and federal government.
State Directory
State Online Reporting Phone Number
Alabama Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-392-8019
Alaska 1-877-272-4635
Arizona Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-251-2436
Arkansas Report Unemployment Identity Theft 501-682-1058
California Report Unemployment Identity Theft
Report 1099-G Identity Theft Identity Theft: 1-800-229-6297
1099-G Identity Theft: 1-866-401-2849
Colorado Report Unemployment Identity Theft 303-318-9035
Connecticut Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-894-3490
Delaware 302-761-8397
District of Colombia 1-877-372-8360
Florida Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-833-352-7759
Georgia Report Unemployment Identity Theft 404-232-3440
Hawaii 1-833-901-2272 (Toll Free)
1-833-901-2275 (Toll Free)
808-762-5751 (Local)
808-762-5752 (Local)
Idaho Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-877-540-8638
Illinois Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-814-0513
Indiana Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-891-6499
Iowa Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-866-239-0843
Kansas Report Unemployment Identity Theft 785-291-6059
Kentucky Report Unemployment Identity Theft
Louisiana Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-201-3362
Maine Report Unemployment Identity Theft 207-621-5154
Maryland Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-492-6804
Massachusetts Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-877-626-6800
Michigan Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-866-500-0017
Minnesota Report Unemployment Identity Theft 651-296-8715
Mississippi 601-493-9427
Missouri Report Unemployment Identity Theft 573-751-4058, Option 5
Montana Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-888-556-4677
Nebraska Report Unemployment Identity Theft
Nevada Report Unemployment Identity Theft 775-684-0475
New Hampshire Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-852-3400 ext. 84016
New Jersey Report Unemployment Identity Theft 609-777-4304
New Mexico 1-877-664-6984
New York Report Unemployment Identity Theft
North Carolina Report Unemployment Identity Theft 984-465-9224
North Dakota 701-328-1680
Ohio Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-833-658-0394
Oklahoma Report Unemployment Identity Theft Identity Theft: 405-525-1500
1099-G Identity Theft: 405-521-6099
Oregon Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-877-668-3204
Pennsylvania Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-692-7469
Puerto Rico Report Unemployment Identity Theft
Report Pandemic Unemployment Identity Theft
Rhode Island Report Unemployment Identity Theft
South Carolina Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-866-831-1724
South Dakota 605-626-7649
Tennessee 615-645-3893
Texas Report Unemployment Identity Theft — English
Report Unemployment Identity Theft — Spanish 1-800-252-3642
Utah Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-888-848-0688
Vermont Report Unemployment Identity Theft 802-828-4104
Virginia Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-782-4001
Virgin Islands 1-340-715-5711
Washington Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-246-9763
West Virginia 304-433-8790
1-800-252-JOBS, Option 5
Wisconsin Report Unemployment Identity Theft 1-800-909-9472
Wyoming Report Unemployment Identity Theft 307-235-3658
hola necesito ayuda soy una muker embarazada, soltera y sin empleo porque nadie quiere contratarme , eh tenido mas de 15 entrevistas de empleo en este mes eh llamado al desempleo mas de 25 llamadas al dia y la grabadora nunca me conecta con un representante y me cuelgan. que sucede ? necesito ayuda