I need a print out of my work history.

unemployed_personQ) I need a print out of my work history while living in Mansfield Ohio including pay/years

A) To obtain a printout of your work history, including pay and years worked, while living in Mansfield, Ohio, you will need to contact the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS).

You can request a copy of your work history from ODJFS in several ways:

  1. Visit the Ohio Job and Family Services website at https://jfs.ohio.gov/ and request a copy of your work history online by filling out a request form.
  2. Call the ODJFS at 1-877-644-6562 and request a copy of your work history by phone.
  3. Visit your local ODJFS office and request a copy of your work history in person.

When making your request, you will need to provide personal identification information, such as your Social Security number and date of birth. It’s important to ensure that the information on your work history is accurate, as it may be used to determine your eligibility for unemployment benefits or other benefits.

Note that if you are seeking a record of your employment history with a specific employer or company, you should contact the human resources department of that organization directly. The ODJFS’s record of your work history will show the employers you worked for, but may not include detailed information about your job duties or employment dates.

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