I applied for unemployment in April and was denied
Q) I applied for unemployment in April and was denied. I left my job due to covid 19..My kids school shut down and i had to stay home with them…I am their sole provider. But because in the chaos and uncertainty of covid ( it was just making it’s way to my area) I failed to leave my job correctly. I did not separate with just cause. I thought Covid was reason enough and schools shutting down.. But I guess i didn’t follow policy and procedure. I have not worked since march 17. I did not appeal my denial because i figured it was a moot point. However, i am still without a job, and my kids are doing online virtual school and i am having to stay home with them still. I have no one to keep them during the day. My county is a ” hot spot”. Numbers keep climbing and my kids are scared to death of getting sick. I have applied at a couple of schools but no luck…they are anticipating a possible shut down again. Here’s my question, can i reapply or appeal it? I need some help!
A) Yes, you can try to appeal the decision or reapply for unemployment benefits. It is worth noting that eligibility for unemployment benefits varies by state and is based on a variety of factors, including the reason for leaving your job. In general, leaving a job voluntarily without good cause can disqualify you from receiving unemployment benefits. However, given the unique circumstances surrounding COVID-19, some states have expanded eligibility criteria to include those who have left their jobs due to COVID-19-related reasons, such as caring for a child whose school has closed. You may want to check with your state’s unemployment agency to see if you are eligible for benefits under these expanded criteria.
You always have the right to appeal the denial of your UI benefit claim, or the amount of benefit approved. In most states you can file your appeal online, fax or by written letter to your state Unemployment Insurance Coordinator.