Perry County KY Unemployment Career Center Office
Kentucky Career Center – Perry County 412 Roy Campbell Dr, Hazard, KY 41701 Phone: (606) 436-3161 | Job search assistance Resume and cover letter writing help Interview preparation Skills training Career counseling |
information about career centers in Perry County KY:
- Kentucky Career Center – Perry County is located at 412 Roy Campbell Dr, Hazard, KY 41701. It has a 5 star rating on Google Maps.
- JobSight is a nonprofit organization that provides job search assistance and other services to people in Perry County. They have a location at 412 Roy Campbell Dr, Hazard, KY 41701. It has a 5 star rating on Google Maps.
Here are some questions you can ask the unemployment career office:
- Am I eligible for unemployment benefits?
- How do I apply for unemployment benefits?
- What information do I need to apply for unemployment benefits?
- How much money will I receive in unemployment benefits?
- How long will I receive unemployment benefits?
- What are my rights and responsibilities as an unemployment benefits recipient?
- What can I do to improve my chances of finding a new job?
Frequent Questions On Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Benefits