My experience at Rockford IL Unemployment Office – Anonymous
Your Name (Can be Anonymous): Anonymous
Your Experience: I have been trying for over a month now to contact this office to file for unemployment. EVERY TIME I have called there is a 10 minutes automated voice that says the same thing then disconnects you. I have also tried many times with the IDES phone number and it literally says the exact same thing. I have finally found a job, however I am left to deal with no income for the month I was unemployed. I am in fear of trying to file for that month because I dont want to be accused of fraud now that I have found a job.
For the city of Rockford, there NEEDS to be more than 1 line to call and there actually needs to be a physical person to talk to. Not an automated voice that just disconnects you every time you call.
Shame on everyone involved with this pathetic excuse of an unemployment office.
Your Unemployment Office City: Rockford il unemployment office
Your Unemployment Office State: IL
Your Wait Time: disconnected
Time: December 9, 2015 at 10:55 am