If I work a part time job will it interfere with my unemployment?
Q) My full time job will be outsourced at the end of this year. I will most likely need unemployment once this happens. If I work a part time job will it interfere with my unemployment? If I am working a part time job already, is there a cut off time or pay that will hinder my unemployment?
A) If you are laid off from your full-time job and start working a part-time job, your unemployment benefits may be affected. The amount of your benefits may be reduced, or you may not be eligible for benefits at all, depending on your state’s unemployment laws.
In general, you will be eligible for unemployment benefits if you are able and available to work, but are unable to find full-time employment. If you are working a part-time job, your state’s unemployment agency will consider your earnings when determining your eligibility for benefits.
The amount of your benefits may be reduced if your earnings from your part-time job exceed a certain amount. The amount that you can earn and still receive unemployment benefits varies from state to state.
In some states, you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits at all if your earnings from your part-time job exceed a certain amount. The amount that you can earn and still be eligible for benefits also varies from state to state.
If you are laid off from your full-time job and start working a part-time job, you should contact your state’s unemployment agency to determine how your benefits will be affected. The agency can provide you with more information about your eligibility for benefits and the amount of benefits that you may be entitled to.