Aberdeen WA Unemployment Career Center Office
WorkSource Center Aberdeen, WA – Counties served: Grays Harbor
415 W. Wishkah St. Suite 2D Aberdeen, WA 98520 Main phone: 360-538-2350 Fax: 360-538-2391 Website: worksourcepacmtn.org Relay service: 711 Hours: M & W, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Services: Workshops and Hiring Events Career Exploration Employment Networks Discover Occupations Apprenticeship Programs Training Programs Unemployment Benefits Support |
Aberdeen WA Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interviews.
What are the eligibility requirements to get UI Benefits in Washington State?
To get UI Benefits in WA State you must have:
- Worked in the state in the past 18 months.
- You must have worked at least 680 hours in your base year.
- You lost your job through no fault of your own.
- You are able and available for work during weeks of your claim.
What information do I need to apply for UI benefits in WA State?
To apply for UI benefits in WA State you will need:
- Your Social Security number.
- Your name, birthdate and contact information
- Your highest level of education.
- The names and mailing addresses of all your employers during the past 18 months.
- The dates you worked for all employers in the past 18 months.
- If you worked through a union, the name and local number of your union.
- If you were in the military during the last 18 months, your DD-214, any member copy, 2 through 8.
- If you were a federal employee in the past 18 months, your Standard Form 8 (SF8).
- If you’re not an U.S. citizen, your work authorization information.
- If you apply for benefits online for direct deposit, your account and routing numbers for your bank.
How do I apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits in WA State?
- WA eServices is the fastest way to submit your application for benefits.
- You can also submit your application using the claims center phone line 800-318-6022.
- You can also use the automated Phone Assistant at 888-429-0357
What is the maximum UI benefit I can get in WA State?
- In WA you can receive from $317 to a maximum of $999 in weekly UI benefits.
- You can receive from 13 to 26 weeks of UI benefits during a Calander Year.
Does WA State have programs to help me find a job while on UI benefits?
WA State WorkSource Centers provide multiple services to prepare you for the job market. Services include:
- Workshops and Hiring Events
- Career Exploration
- Employment Networks
- Discover Occupations
- Apprenticeship Programs
- Training Programs
- Older Worker Program Finder
- Job Club Finder
How do I contact Washington State Employment Security Department?
Unemployment claims questions: 800-318-6022 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday
Automated Virtual Assistant: 888-429-0357 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Collections unit:
Fax: 866-610-9235
Email: bpcunit@esd.wa.gov
Mail repayments:
Benefit Payment Control
Employment Security Department
P.O. Box 35115
Seattle, WA 98124-5115