Morrisville VT Unemployment Career Center Office
American Job Center Service Satellite Location Morrisville VT
Phone: (802) 888-4545 | Location of service to be coordinated on customer-by-customer basis; Call for an appointment |
Morrisville VT Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
How do I qualify for Vermont Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
To qualify for VT UI benefits:
- You must have lost your job through no fault of your own
- Or had your weekly work hours reduced
- You must be Able and Available for Work
- You must be willing to accept Suitable Work
- You must Report all Wages When Filing your Weekly Claim
What information do I need to file my Unemployment Insurance Benefit claim in Vermont?
To file your UI benefit claim in Vermont you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Mailing and Home Addresses
- Email Address
- Telephone Number
- Alien Registration Number (if not a U.S. citizen)
- Any separation pay you received including vacation pay, severance pay, etc.
- Return to work date if expected to be recalled
- Valid Driver’s License Number or state issued ID
- Banking information for Direct Deposit
- Military Form DD-214, Member 4 Copy if you were in the military in the past 18 months.
- Form SF-8 if you worked for the Federal Government during the past 18 months.
For each employer that you worked for in the past 18 months
- Complete name and address
- Payroll address if different from employer address
- Employer telephone number
- Beginning and ending dates of employment
- Reason for separation
How do I File my Unemployment Insurance Claim in Vermont?
Filing for Unemployment Insurance is a two step process:
- Contact the UI Claims line at 1-877-214-3330 to open your claim.
- File a “weekly claim certification” for each “week” in which you want to
receive a benefit
You can File your Weekly Claim Certifications online at
To file your Weekly Claim Certifications by Phone, Call 1-800-983-2300
What is the maximum UI benefit I can get in Vermont?
- The current maximum weekly benefit you can receive is $531
- You can receive UI benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks and extended benefits for another 13 weeks.
What services are available to me in Vermont to help me find a job while on UI benefits?
Vermont Department of Labor’s regional Job Centers provides virtual and in-person career services such as:
- Skill Assessment
- Job Search Assistance
- Interviewing Skills enhancement
- Career exploration
- Workshops, including Resume Development
- Career Assessments and Job Coaching
- Referrals to potential employers
- Access to Hiring Events, Job Fairs, Recruitment Events
- Occupational and Labor Market Information
- Computer, Internet, Fax, and Photocopier usage
- Counseling and consultation
- Virtual connection services
- Local career specialists
- Specialized counselors
- Job match services
- Virtual or in-person appointments,
- Local walk-in consultations
- Priority of Services for Veterans
- Apprenticeship and other Job Training Opportunities
How do I contact Vermont Department of Labor?
Vermont Department of Labor
5 Green Mountain Drive
P.O. Box 488
Montpelier, 05601-0488
Phone: (802) 828-4000
Fax: (802) 828-4046
Establish an Initial Claim: 1-877-214-3330 or 1-888-807-7072 (8:00am Monday – 4:30pm Friday)
File Weekly Claim: 1-800-983-2300 (Automated – Sunday: 24 hours / Monday – Friday: 5:00am-4:30pm)
Claimant Assistance: 1-877-214-3332 (Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm / Closed from Saturday – Sunday)
Supplemental Assistance Line: 1-888-807-7072 (Monday-Friday: 8:15am – 4:30pm / Saturday-Sunday: Closed)
For TTY Customer Service Representative, call: 1-800-650-4152