STEPHENVILLE TX Unemployment Career Center Office
WF SOL NCT STEPHENVILLE 2165 W SOUTH LOOP STE 1 STEPHENVILLE TX 76401-3912 Tel 254-965-5100 M-F 8A-5P | Job search assistance Resume writing and interviewing workshops Career counseling Training and education programs Unemployment benefits assistance |
STEPHENVILLE TX Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interviews.
How do I qualify for Texas UI benefits?
To qualify for TX UI benefits you must:
- Have lost your job through no fault of your own
- Or have had your weekly work hours reduced
- Be available for work and willing to find work
- Have worked a certain amount or hours during your Base Period.
What Information You Need to Apply for TX unemployment insurance Benefits
To apply for TX UI benefits You will need:
- Information on where you last worked; business name, address and phone number
- First and last dates you worked for your last employer.
- The number of hours you worked per week and pay rate
- Information about the normal wage for the job you are seeking
- If you are not a U.S. Citizen, your lien Registration number
- A valid Texas ID or Driver License number
What is the Maximum UI benefits I can get in Texas?
In Texas you can get:
- From $71 to a maximum of $549 per week in UI benefits.
- Get UI benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks.
How do I apply for UI benefits in Texas?
To apply for TX UI benefits you can get:
- Apply for benefits online at Unemployment Benefit Services website
- Or call a Tele-Center customer Service representative at 800-939-6631
What do I do after filing for my TX unemployment Insurance benefits
After filing for your benefits, you need to:
- Follow the instructions at
- Look for work each week and log your work search activity.
- Set up your 4-digit Personal Identification (PIN) Number.
- Read your benefit statement information.
- Request your weekly benefit payments.
How long should it take for me to start getting my TX UI benefits after filing?
If approved, it should take about two to three weeks to start receiving your unemployment insurance benefits.
How do I contact Texas Work Force Commission?
Contact Customer Relations: 800-628-5115
Mailing Address
Texas Workforce Commission
P.O. Box 149137
Austin, Texas 78714-9137
Physical Address
Texas Workforce Commission
101 E 15th Street
Austin, Texas 78778