Morristown TN Unemployment Career Center Office
Hamblen County American Job Center – Morristown 1633 East Andrew Johnson Highway Morristown, TN 37814 Phone: (423)317-1060 Ext: Days/Hours of operation: Monday- Friday 8:00 A.M.- 4:30 P.M. | Services: Find Job Openings Get Resume Assistance Access Hiring Events Access Virtual Recruiter Explore Careers Job Trainings and Tutorials |
Morristown TN Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
How do I qualify for Tennessee UI benefits?
To qualify for TN UI benefits you must:
- Have lost your job through no fault of your own,
- Have qualifying wages in the past 18 months,
- Be able and available to work.
What information do I need to apply for TN UI benefits?
To apply for TN UI benefits you must provide your:
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s License Number
- Current Address
- Telephone Number
- Valid email address
- Last 18 months of Employment information
- Your Last Day of Work
- Reason for Separation
- Separating Employer Information
How do I apply for UI benefits in Tennessee?
The easiest way to apply for your TN UI benefits is to apply online
What is the Maximum UI benefit I can receive in TN?
- You may receive up to $275 per week in UI benefit payments.
- You may receive benefits up to a maximum of 26 weeks.
What do I do after applying for TN UI benefits?
After applying for your UI benefits you need to:
- Expect your Monetary Determination Letter
- Start looking for work
- Certify each week for benefits
- Record 3 work searches during your weekly certification
- Monitor the progress claim on Jobs4TN
- Expect your Debit Card in the mail (within two weeks) if selected as your payment method.
How soon will I start getting TN UI benefits after filing?
- Once approved, the first week will serve as a waiting week.
- You must certify each week following to get payment for every week claimed.
- It generally takes 2 to 3 weeks before you start receiving your UI benefits.
- On the fourth week, you will receive a double payment which includes your waiting week.
What services are available to help me find a job in TN while on UI benefits? has many local many local job centers which provides assistance and training to prepare you for the job market. Services provided includes:
- Online Job Search Portal
- Resume Assistance
- Hiring Events
- Virtual Recruiter
- Explore Careers
- Job Trainings and Tutorials
How do I contact TN Department of Labor and Workforce Development?
TN Department of Labor and Workforce Development
220 French Landing Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Phone: (844) 224-5818
I’m trying to close my unemployment claim and I followed the directions from the previous comment, but since they have changed the website I need knew direction or can I speak to someone in the office?
To close your unemployment claim, the process may vary depending on the state you reside in. Here are some general steps you can follow:
1. Check with your state’s unemployment agency:
Contact your state’s unemployment agency to get specific guidance on how to close your claim. Each state may have different requirements and procedures. You can find the contact information for your state’s unemployment agency on their official website.
2. Stop certifying for benefits:
In most states, you can stop certifying for benefits by simply not submitting your weekly or bi-weekly claim. If you stop certifying, your benefits will automatically stop. However, some states may require you to notify the unemployment office if you find a new job. It’s best to check directly with your state’s unemployment office to find out their specific expectations once you find employment .
3. Follow the instructions provided by your state:
Your state’s unemployment agency will provide you with instructions on how to close your claim. This may involve submitting a request in writing, completing an online form, or contacting the agency directly. Make sure to follow the instructions provided to ensure a smooth closure of your claim .
Remember, it’s important to reach out to your state’s unemployment agency for specific guidance on closing your claim, as procedures may vary.