Clinton SC Unemployment Career Center Office
SC Works 18 Hazel Drive Clinton, SC 29325 phn: 864-833-0142 Affiliate One Stops | Services: Access to Computers Career counseling Job referrals Resume-writing assistance Testing and training |
Clinton SC Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
How do I qualify for UI benefits in South Carolina?
To qualify for SC UI benefits you must be:
- Unemployed through no fault of your own
- Or your work hours have been reduced
- Able to work and willing to accept suitable work
- Actively searching for work while getting UI benefits
- Report all earned income during your claim week.
- Complete at least two weekly job searches on SC Works portal
What is the Maximum Unemployment Insurance benefit I can get in SC?
- The minimum UI benefit you can get in SC is $42 a week with a maximum of $326 per week.
- The maximum weeks you can receive SC UI benefits is 20 weeks.
- If you exhaust your maximum benefits, you must wait until the end of the benefit year to file a new claim.
What information do I need to file my UI benefit in SC?
To file for SC UI benefits you will need:
- Your Social Security number.
- Your work history for the past 18 months with salary and employer information
- For non-U.S. citizen, your alien registration number and documentation.
- For military service in the past 18 months, DD-214 Form (Member 4 copy).
- For federal civilian employee, SF-50 (PDF) or SF-8 (PDF) Form.
How do I file my South Carolina UI benefit claim?
- The easiest way to file your SC UI benefit claim is to file online
- You can also call 1-866-831-1724 | Relay 711 for assistance.
What services are available to help me find a job in SC while on UI benefits?
SC Works has many local job source career centers that will prepare you for the job market. Services such as:
- Access to Computers to do job search
- Local Career Counceller’s
- Job referral services
- Resume-writing assistance
- Testing and job training programs
How do I file an appeal if I am denied UI benefits in SC?
- You can file an appeal by completing a Notice of Appeal to the Appeal Tribunal Form
- Or write an appeal letter detailing your disagreement of the determination.
- Your appeal must be filed within 10 calendar days of the mailing date of the determination
How do I contact South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce
SC Department of Employment and Workforce
1550 Gadsden Street
P.O. Box 995
Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 1-866-831-1724 | Relay 711