Lebanon OR Unemployment Career Center Office
Lebanon WorkSource Office 44 Industrial Way B, Lebanon, OR 97355 Phone: (541) 259-5787 Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 5 PM | Services: Apply for jobs, Sign up for trainings, Develop career plan Explore paid internships On-the-job training |
Lebanon OR Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
How do I qualify for UI benefits in Oregon?
To qualify for OR UI benefits you must
- Have been paid at least $1,000 in your base year
- Your total base wages at least 1 and a half times wages paid in the highest calendar quarter.
- OR you’ve worked at least 500 hours, paid some subject wages during the base year.
What is the Maximum UI benefit I can receive in OR?
- The maximum weekly benefit amount is $855 per week.
- You may receive a total of 26 weeks in UI benefits.
What information do I need to apply for OR unemployment insurance benefits?
Before filing your claim, you will need:
- Your Social Security Number.
- The last 18 months of your work history and employer information
- Your salary and total income from each employer.
- For non-citizens, your Alien Registration Number and documentation.
- A phone number to be reached during normal business hours
How do I file for UI benefits in OR?
- You can file online using the Online Claim System
- Or By phone at 1-877-345-3484
What do I do after filing my claim for OR UI Benefits?
- Watch your mail for notification if you have been approved.
- File your weekly claims
- Be ready to return to work
- Complete at least five work-search activities each week
- It will take a minimum of four weeks to process your claim.
What type of work search actives should I do?
- Attending job placement meetings or workshops
- Attend Employment Networking meetings or workshops
- Updating your resume
- Reviewing job placement websites
- Making direct contact with an employers
What help does Oregan WorksSource provide to help me find a job?
At WorkSource, you can:
- Register in iMatchSkills, Oregon’s job database
- Apply for jobs, sign up for trainings, develop a career plan
- Get a one-on-one career coaching
- Match your interests and abilities to jobs you like
- Ge information on free training to help you advance in your career
- Explore paid internships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, GED programs, and college classes
- Attend workshops on resumes, interviewing, networking, applying for state jobs, and more
- Use computers, internet, phones, fax, copiers, and printers
- Get assistance with housing, transportation, childcare, food, internet access, tuition, and more
How do I contact State of Oregan Employment Department?
Unemployment Insurance Contact Centers:
Weekly Claim Line Numbers:
Portland Area: (503) 224-0405
Greater Salem Area: (503) 375-7900
Eastern/Central Oregon/Bend: (541) 388-4066
TOLL FREE: (800) 982-8920
TTY Relay Service 711
PO Box 14135
Salem OR 97309-5068
Fax: (866) 345-1878