Stilwell OK Unemployment Career Center Office
Workforce Oklahoma – Stilwell Center 219 West Oak Stilwell, OK 74960 phn: 918-696-6608 Comprehensive One-Stop Career Centers | Services: Hiring Events Virtual Career Fairs Resume assistance Training Programs |
Stilwell OK Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
How do I qualify for UI benefits in Oklahoma?
To qualify for UI benefits in OK you must:
- Be unemployed through no fault of your own
- Be able to work
- Be available to work and registered on
- Have earned a minimum of $1,500 during your base period
What information do I need to apply for OK unemployment insurance benefits?
To complete your application for UI benefits in OK you need:
- Your Social Security Number
- Your Name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address
- if you are a non-citizen, Alien Registration Number and expiration date,
- OK Driver’s License or state-issued ID card number
- The Name and address of the company on your paycheck stub or W-2 form
- Your Employment “start” and “end date”
- All Wages earned and how you were paid (hourly, weekly, monthly)
- If you were a Federal Employee in the last 18 months, Form SF8 or SF 50.
- If you were in military service in the last 18 months, DD Form 214
How do I file for UI benefits in OK?
Visit OK Employment Security UI Benefit website to:
- Create an account
- Complete your profile
- Verifying your identity
- Connect your Social Security Number
- Apply for traditional UI Benefits
What is the maximum UI benefit I can receive in OK
- The maximum UI benefits you can get in OK is $539 per week.
- The maximum weeks you can receive UI Benefits is 26 weeks.
After filing, how long will it take for me to start getting my UI benefits in OK?
- Your eligibility determination should be complete within 21 days.
- While you wait you should continue to file your weekly claim.
What do I do after filing my claim for OK UI Benefits?
- Verify your identity online
- Create an OKJobMatch account within seven (7) days
- Perform two work search efforts each week
- File your weekly claims on
- Attend all required appointments
How do I file an appeal?
You can file an appeal
- You can file an appeal in person, by mail, fax, telephone or email.
- Include your name, social security number, phone number
- Include your date of determination and section of law you are appealing
- Include a detailed explanation of why you disagree with the determination decision.
- The mailing address, fax number, telephone number and email address will be listed in your determination letter.
How do I contact Oklahoma Employment Security Commission?
Oklahoma Employment Security Commission
PO Box 52003
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2003
Individual Unemployment Support: 405-525-1500
Employer Support: 405-552-6799
Administrative Offices: 405-557-7100