New Town ND Unemployment Career Center Office
Job Service North Dakota New Town 204 Main Street New Town, ND 58763-0477 phn: 701-627-4390 Comprehensive One- Stop Career Centers | Job Seeker Services Hiring Events Job Search Website Employment Workshops Virtual & Job Fair Events Basic Computer Skills Class Employment Skills Training Jobs for Veterans Childcare Assistance Apprenticeship Programs |
New Town ND Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
What services can I get to help me find a job while on UI benefits in North Dakota?
ND Job Services provides multiple services to assist you in getting employment. Services provided includes:
- JOB Search Website
- Employment Workshops
- Virtual Job Fairs
- Training for Veterans
- Education Programs
- Job search Assistance
- Hiring Events
- Basic Computer Skills Class
- Jobs for Veterans
- Employment Skills Training
- Apprenticeship Programs
What are the requirements to qualify for UI benefits in ND
To be eligible for unemployment benefits in ND you must:
- Have lost your job through no fault of your own OR had your hours reduced
- Be able to work
- Be available for work
- Be actively seeking employment
- Be monetarily eligible based on your work history.
What Information do I need to file my Unemployment Benefit Claim in ND?
Information needed to file must include:
- Your Social Security Number
- Name, address and telephone number of all your employers in the last 18 months.
- Wage you are willing to accept
- Union Local name and number if in a union.
- DD214 member copy 4 (proof of military service and wages)
- SF8 and SF50 (proof of federal civilian service and wages)
- For non-U.S. citizen; your alien identification number
- Identity verification with
How do I file for UI benefits in ND
The easiest way to file your UI Benefit claim is to visit ND Unemployment Insurance Online Portal, create your account and apply for benefits.
How do I contact North Dakota Job Service
For ND Unemployment Insurance benefit inquiries:
Phone: (701) 328-4995
Fax: (701) 328-2728
For Unemployment Insurance collections
Phone: (701) 328-2825
For Unemployment Insurance appeal
Call Toll-free: (800) 351-9098
Job Service North Dakota
PO Box 5507
Bismarck, ND 58506-5507
Central Office: 1-701-328-2825
TTY Relay ND: 800-366-6888