Sylva NC Unemployment Career Center Office
NCWorks Career Center- Jackson County 26 Ridgeway Street, Suite 2 PO Box 1014 Sylva, NC 28779 Phone: (828)586-4063 Ext: Fax: (828)586-3041 Days/Hours: M,T,W 8:30 am – noon, 1 pm-4:30 pm, F 8:30-12:pm Map Address | Job Seeker Services: Free WiFi Employment Planning Career Assessment & Counseling On-site & Virtual Workshops Computer / Internet Access Phone, Fax & Copy Community Resource Referrals Job Matching Career Fairs & Hiring Events |
Sylva NC Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interviews.
What help can I get in NC to find a job while on UI benefits?
NC Works has many local career centers that can assist you in finding jobs.
Services available includes:
- Job search portal
- Resume Builder
- Virtual recruiter
- Explore Careers
- Locate training/workshop and education programs
- Locate Employer Recruitment Events
How do I apply for North Carolina Unemployment Insurance benefits?
The best way to apply for your UI benefits is Online at NC Division of Employment Security website.
Online Services includes:
- File your claim for unemployment benefits
- Complete your Weekly Certifications
- Check your Claim Status
What information do I need to file for my UI benefits in NC?
- Your Social Security Number.
- Information on your last employer; separation reason, vacation or severance pay you received, or entitled to receive.
- Retirement pay information if retired
- Your bank routing number and account number for directly deposited. If select selected payments will be on a DES debit card.
- Your work history for the past two years.
- Alien number and expiration date for non citizens
- SF-50 form, SF-8 form, pay stub(s) or W-2 if you worked for Federal Government.
- Your DD214, Member 4 Copy if Former Military Personnel
What are the Eligibility Requirements to qualify for NC Unemployment Insurance benefits?
- You must be unemployed due to no fault of your own
- You must have earned sufficient wages to establish a claim.
- You must be physically able, available and actively seeking work.
- You must register with NCWorks Online.
What is the Maximum UI benefits I can get in North Carolina?
- The maximum you can be paid in UI benefits is $350.
- The maximum weeks you can get UI benefits is 12 weeks.
How can I get help applying for NC UI benefits?
- For Online help you can call the Customer Call Center at 1-888-737-0259.
- If you don’t have access to a computer Call 1-888-737-0259
How can I file an appeal on my UI benefits claim in NC?
- To file an appeal you must file online through the DES online benefits system
- Information on your appeal rights will found on your Determination Letter.
How can I contact NCWorks Career Center?
- You can call at 1-855-NCWorks (855-629-6757)
How can I contact North Carolina Division of Employment Security
North Carolina Division of Employment Security
Phone: 888-737-0259.
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 25903
Raleigh, NC 27611-5903
DES Central Office Location:
700 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27605 Would like to see if I qualify for unemployment benefits, please.