Roanoke Rapids NC Unemployment Career Center Office
NCWorks Career Center- Halifax/Northampton County 406 Premier Boulevard Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Phone: (252)537-4188 Ext: Fax: (252)535-7943 Days/Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5:00pm. Closed from 12-5 last Thurs. of each month Map Address | Job Seeker Services: Free WiFi Employment Planning Career Assessment & Counseling On-site & Virtual Workshops Computer / Internet Access Phone, Fax & Copy Community Resource Referrals Job Matching Career Fairs & Hiring Events |
Roanoke Rapids NC Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interviews.
What help can I get in NC to find a job while on UI benefits?
NC Works has many local career centers that can assist you in finding jobs.
Services available includes:
- Job search portal
- Resume Builder
- Virtual recruiter
- Explore Careers
- Locate training/workshop and education programs
- Locate Employer Recruitment Events
How do I apply for North Carolina Unemployment Insurance benefits?
The best way to apply for your UI benefits is Online at NC Division of Employment Security website.
Online Services includes:
- File your claim for unemployment benefits
- Complete your Weekly Certifications
- Check your Claim Status
What information do I need to file for my UI benefits in NC?
- Your Social Security Number.
- Information on your last employer; separation reason, vacation or severance pay you received, or entitled to receive.
- Retirement pay information if retired
- Your bank routing number and account number for directly deposited. If select selected payments will be on a DES debit card.
- Your work history for the past two years.
- Alien number and expiration date for non citizens
- SF-50 form, SF-8 form, pay stub(s) or W-2 if you worked for Federal Government.
- Your DD214, Member 4 Copy if Former Military Personnel
What are the Eligibility Requirements to qualify for NC Unemployment Insurance benefits?
- You must be unemployed due to no fault of your own
- You must have earned sufficient wages to establish a claim.
- You must be physically able, available and actively seeking work.
- You must register with NCWorks Online.
What is the Maximum UI benefits I can get in North Carolina?
- The maximum you can be paid in UI benefits is $350.
- The maximum weeks you can get UI benefits is 12 weeks.
How can I get help applying for NC UI benefits?
- For Online help you can call the Customer Call Center at 1-888-737-0259.
- If you don’t have access to a computer Call 1-888-737-0259
How can I file an appeal on my UI benefits claim in NC?
- To file an appeal you must file online through the DES online benefits system
- Information on your appeal rights will found on your Determination Letter.
How can I contact NCWorks Career Center?
- You can call at 1-855-NCWorks (855-629-6757)
How can I contact North Carolina Division of Employment Security
North Carolina Division of Employment Security
Phone: 888-737-0259.
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 25903
Raleigh, NC 27611-5903
DES Central Office Location:
700 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27605