Deming NM Unemployment Career Center Office
Deming Workforce Connection Luna County 322 E. Oak St Deming, NM 88030 Phone: 575-546-0192 Fax: 575-544-3605 Comprehensive One-Stop Career Centers | Job search assistance Resume and interview help Skills assessments Networking opportunities Business services |
Deming NM Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
What is required of me to get NM Unemployment Insurance Benefits?
- You must register for work services within 14 days of filing your claim for UI benefits.
- You must develop a good work search plan.
- You must register for work on NM Department of Workforce Solutions website
- You must actively search for work while on UI Benefits.
- You must report all income (part time or full time) if you get a job.
- As soon as you begin working full-time, you must discontinue certifying for benefits.
- For assistance you can call a UI Call 1-877-664-6984 or visit
What do I need to file my NM Unemployment Insurance Benefit Claim?
You will need the following information to file your claim:
- Your Social Security Number (SSN)
- Your Mailing address and phone number(s) of employer(s) you worked for in last 18 months.
- The starting and ending dates of your last job (or jobs if more than one employer in last 18 months)
- If you are a non-citizen, have your alien registration number and expiration date.
- If you worked during the week you are filing your claim, be sure you know the gross amount (total dollars and cents before any deductions) of your pay before filing
- Pencil and paper to write down questions and instructions
How do I apply for NM unemployment Insurance Benefits?
- You can apply online at
- You apply over the phone by calling 1-877-664-6984 Monday-Friday, 7:00am-4:30pm.
What is the Maximum unemployment insurance benefit I can get in New Mexico?
- The maximum WBA for 2022 is $514.00 per week.
- The the minimum WBA is $96.00 per week.
- The minimum qualifying wage for 2022 is $2,332.72.
When do I file for my NM Unemployment Insurance Benefits during the week?
- You can file on Sundays to Fridays 24 hours a day online at
- OR over the phone at 1-877-664-6984 Monday-Friday, 7:00am-5:00pm.
Does NM help me to find a job while on unemployment insurance benefits?
Yes! you will get assistance finding a job!
- New Mexico Workforce Connection assist you with work search.
- Their Online System has thousands of jobs with employers looking to hire.
- You can call your local New Mexico Workforce Connection Center for further assistance.
What help can I get at a NM Mexico Workforce Connection local office?
- You can get assistance in writing your professional Resumes.
- Get training and resources to help upgrade your skills;
- Get job interview tips including how to present yourself as a strong, confident candidate;
- Get help answering difficult questions about your work history.
- Get help overcoming barriers that may be preventing you from getting a job.
Where can I go to get other help, while trying to find a job in New Mexico?
- Visit the State of New Mexico website for additional assistance.
- You can also visit, that list agencies offering help with food, shelter, medical, dental, and mental health care, child care and more.
How do I contact New Mexico Workforce Connection?
NM Unemployment Insurance Claims Phone Number: 1-877-NM4-MYUI (1-877-664-6984)
Claims and Tax Fax Number: 505-841-8636
Unemployment Insurance Claim Appeals Phone: 1-800-227-7325
Unemployment Insurance Claim Appeals Fax: 505-841-8636
Overpayments/ Collections Phone number: 1-877-664-6984
Physical Address
401 Broadway NE Albuquerque NM 87102
Mailing Address
PO Box 1928 Albuquerque, NM 87103