Salem NH Unemployment Career Center Office
Salem NH Works One-Stop office 29 South Broadway Salem, NH 03079-3026 Telephone: (603) 893-9185 Fax: (603) 893-9212 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm | Services for Job Seekers Job Search Career Exploration & Training NH Jobs Recruitment Portal Dislocated Worker Program WIOA Adult Worker Program Work Now NH |
Salem NH Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
What help can I get to find a job in New Hampshire while claiming UI Benefits?
The State of New Hampshire has a jobs portal ( to assist you in finding a job.
Job portal services includes:
- Region Job Search
- Town Job Search
- Occupation Search
- Full or Part time
You can also visit NH Job Match System and
- Find a Job
- Create Your Résumé
- Get Labor Market Information
- Get Education and Training
- Get Career Information
What are the qualifying requirements to get UI benefits in NH?
In order to be eligible for NH UI Benefits you must:
- Be registered for work
- Be available for work
- Be looking for work
- File claims on time
- Attend mandatory meetings
- Have a weekly benefit amount
- Be totally or partially unemployed
- Report any refusal of work
- Be physically and mentally able to work
- Participate in Re-employment Services if selected
- Disclose mandatory child support payments
What is the Maximum UI Benefits I can get in NH?
- You can get from $32 to a Maximum of $427 in UI benefits.
- You may receive benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks.
- Your benefit amount is based on your income in the last 15 to 18 months.
How do I apply for UI Benefits in New Hampshire?
To apply for UI Benefits visit NH Work Force Connect website, create your account and file.
You are required to have:
- A valid social security number,
- A verifiable email address
- and Date of Birth.
How do I contact New Hampshire Employment Security?
Unemployment Assistance Hotline:(603) 271-7700
TDD Access: Relay NH1-800-735-2964
New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
45 South Fruit Street Concord NH 03301
Phone: 603-224-3311, 1-800-852-3400