Lewistown MT Unemployment Career Center Office
Lewistown Job Service 773 Airport Drive Lewistown, MT 59457 Phone (406) 708-7024 Fax (406) 758-6290 Email LewistownJSC@mt.gov Service Counties: Fergus | Apply for Unemployment Benefits Perform Job Searches Apply for Jobs Explore now occupations Education and Training Providers Explore Labor Market Information |
Lewistown MT Unemployment Career Center Office provide individuals seeking employment all the latest tools to find and keep that special job. Employers will find assistance in recruiting new employees including a national job listing network, applicant screening, and space in the centers to conduct testing and employment interview.
How do I file my Unemployment Insurance Claim in Montana?
To file your claim visit MontanaWorks website register as a Job Seeker and file your claim for UI benefits. Job seeker Services on MontanaWorks website:
- Perform Job Searches
- Apply for UI Benefits
- View Labor Market Information
What are the qualification requirements to get UI benefits in Montana?
- Lost you job through no fault of your own.
- Legally authorized to work.
- Show efforts to apply for work.
- Worked the last 4-5 calendar quarters.
- Be physically and mentally able to work.
- Provide six weeks of employment history.
- Have been laid off, or your hours were reduced.
- Became unemployed because you or your child were a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault
How much can I get in Unemployment Insurance benefits in Montana?
Your UI benefit amount will depend on how much you have earned in the last 4-5 calendar quarters. You can use Montana UI Benefits Calculator to get an estimate of your benefits.
What is the Maximum UI benefits I can get in Montana?
- The maximum weekly benefit amount you can get is $552.
- The minimum amount is currently $163.
- You may receive benefits for a maximum of 28 weeks.
Will Montana help me find a job while on UI benefits?
Yes. On MontanaWorks website your can:
- View Current job openings
- Find trainings Tools to begin your career
- Learn about new career options.
- Search Education and Training Providers
- Explore now occupations
- Search Associate Degree Programs
- Explore Free Skills Training
How do I contact Montana Works?
Contact Information
Phone: (406) 444-2840
Fax: (406) 444-1419
TTY: (406) 444-0532
Email: dliquestions@mt.gov
Claims Processing Center
P.O. Box 8020
Helena, MT 59604-8020
Contributions Bureau
P.O. Box 6339
Helena, MT 59604-6339