Tate County MS Unemployment Career Job Center Office
Senatobia 226K East Main St. Senatobia, MS 38668-0508 |
How do I file my unemployment Insurance Benefit Claim in Mississippi?
You can visit Mississippi Department Of Employment Security and file your claim. Online services include:
- Unemployment Claim Services
- Complete your registration
- File your Weekly Certification
- Get Lost Wages Assistance
- File an appeal
- Get Claims Information
- Get COVID-19 Information
Does Mississippi have a job search site I can use to find employment.
Yes! visit Mississippi Works website, create an account and start your job search.
What is the maximum UI benefit I can get in Mississippi?
- The maximum Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) allowed in Mississippi currently is $235.00
- You can receive UI benefits for up to a maximum of 26 weeks.
What type of services can I get at Mississippi WIN Job Center Locations?
WIN Job Services for job seekers includes:
- Job Placement Assistance;
- Job and Skill Training;
- Guidance and Support;
- Priority Services for Veterans;
- Career Counseling;
- Job Corps Information;
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Benefits Information;
- Referral to Supportive Services;
- Referral to Vocational Rehabilitation Services;
- Information about HUD Rental and Homeownership Programs
How do I contact Mississippi Department of Employment Security?
Office of the Governor
1235 Echelon Parkway
P.O. Box 1699
Jackson, MS 39215-1699
Phone 601-321-6000
MDES Claim Service Line: 601-272-8332
File Unemployment Claims: 601-493-9427
Mississippi Department of Employment Security
P. O. Box 1699
Jackson, MS 39215-1699
Phone: (877) 994-6329 (fax)