Frequent Questions About Kansas Unemployment Benefits
How soon should I file for Kansas unemployment insurance benefits?
- You should file for your UI benefits as soon as you become unemployed
- If you wait, you may not receive benefits for the period you wait.
What is the best way to file for Kansas Unemployment insurance benefits?
- The best way to file for your Kansas UI benefits is online or by phone?
What information do I need to file for Kansas unemployment Insurance benefits?
The information needed to file your KS UI benefits includes:
- Your Social Security number
- You mailing address and PO Box if you use one
- Your phone number
- Your last employer name and mailing from last paystub.
- The date you began and stopped working for the last 18 months
- Your county information
- Your driver’s license number
- For non citizens – your employment authorization number and expiration date.
- If active duty military within the past 18 months, your DD-214, Member #4 form
- If federal employee, your Standard Form SF-50 or pay stub
- Information on separation or vacation pay, you will receive in the future.
What is the maximum Unemployment Benefit I can Get in Kansas
- Your Kansas UI benefit amount can range between $125 to $503 per week.
- You can get from 16 to 26 weeks of Kansas UI benefits.
- Your benefit amount will be states in your monetary determination letter.
What happens after I file for my KS unemployment benefits?
After you file your claim you will receive an “Unemployment Insurance Monetary Determination” letter which includes:
- The start date of your claim
- The amount of wages reported by each employer
- Your base period
- Your weekly benefit amount
- Your total benefit amount
When do I file my weekly claim for KS unemployment benefits?
- To file your weekly claim visit and click on FILE A WEEKLY CLAIM.
- You file your weekly claim on Sunday afternoon or evening or Monday before 7 p.m.
- Your calendar week for UI benefits runs from midnight Sunday to midnight the following Saturday.
- You must file each week to get your weekly payments.
- If you do not file within 14 days your claim will become inactive
How do I get paid for my KS Unemployment benefits?
- You will get paid on a debit Master Card which will be post mailed to you.
- You must file your weekly claim for UI payments.
- Payments will be made only if all your eligibility requirements are met.
- Your claim will become inactive if you have not filed a weekly claim in 14 days.
How soon will my KS Unemployment Benefit Payment start after filing?
- You will normally receive your UI benefit after 3 business days, after you file your weekly claim.
- You must file a weekly claim for your benefit payment for each week.
- Your benefits may be delayed because of holidays or if their is an investigation.
- You must file your weekly claim if being investigated.
How can I find out if my Kansas UI benefit payment has been issued?
- You can obtain the status of your claim clicking the CHECK YOUR CLAIM STATUS on your online account.
- You can also call you local Unemployment Contact Center to check your claim status.
- If your benefit has not been issued the system will tell you the reason.
How can I access KS online unemployment benefits system?
- You can access KS unemployment benefits system by visiting
- Select the Get Started Here option at the top of the page.
What can I do on
- File your application for unemployment insurance benefits.
- File your weekly claim for benefits
- Check your payment information
- Check the status of your claim
- Update your personal information
- Reset your PIN (Personal Identification Number)
- Review the Unemployment Insurance Desk Guide
- View resources on unemployment insurance benefits
Can I file an appeal if I am denied KS Unemployment Benefits?
- Yes! If you disagree with your Notice of Determination you can file an Appeal
- You must file your appeal with the Kansas Department of Labor within 16 days of the post mail date of your determination letter.
- Your appeal rights and filing an appeal info are explained on the back of your Notice of Determination letter.
- Write your letter asking for an appeal and submit it to the KS Office of Appeals.
- Your appeal letter must include your name, last four digits of your SS number, your address, phone number, and the determination you are appealing.
- After you request an appeal and your appeal scheduled, you will receive a Notice of Telephone Hearing.
Mail Your Appeal to
Office of Appeals
401 SW Topeka Blvd, 2nd Floor
Topeka, KS 66603-3182
Phone: (785) 296-1800
FAX: (785) 291-6086
How do I contact Kansas Department Of Labor?
Contact Center Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3539
Topeka, KS 66601-3539
Fax: 785-296-3249
Unemployment Contact Center Locations Kansas City: 913-596-3500 Topeka: 785-575-1460 Wichita: 316-383-9947 Toll-Free: 800-292-6333