Can you review a cover letter?
March 2, 2022
Q) Can you review a cover letter? I’m looking to gain employment and I need someone to review my cover letter.
A) Your local career center can assist you in writing your cover letter. See tips below in writing a great cover letter.
- Address the letter to a specific person. This may require research on your part or a phone call to the company but will facilitate a more timely response from the employer. Be sure to indicate a specific job title for the person as well.
- Tailor your letter to the requirements of the position and the employer’s needs.
- Be sure to send a typed original cover letter with your resume. Do not send a photocopied or handwritten letter.
- Sound upbeat and confident-invite the employer to read your resume! Use the active voice for a more forceful approach.
- The letter should be easy to read, typed neatly on a single page (8 1/2 by 11) on good quality paper, and free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
- Proofread your letter several times and make a copy to keep for your files.