Santa Maria CA Unemployment Career Center Office
Americas Job Center of California serving Santa Barbara County 1410 S Broadway # E, Santa Maria, CA 93454 Phone: (805) 614-1550 | Employment counseling Job search assistance Resume and cover letter writing assistance Interview preparation |
Information about the Santa Maria CA Unemployment Career Center Office:
Address: 1410 S Broadway # E, Santa Maria, CA 93454, USA
Directions from downtown Santa Maria: Directions
Services provided at the office:
- Employment counseling
- Job search assistance
- Unemployment insurance
- Training programs
- And more!
You can contact the Unemployment Career Center Office for questions about:
- Filing for unemployment benefits
- Finding a job
- Getting training for a new career
- And more!
Other nearby unemployment offices:
- Americas Job Center of California serving Santa Barbara County (same address as the Unemployment Career Center Office)
- Center for Employment Training – CET Santa Maria (509 W Morrison Ave, Santa Maria, CA 93458, USA)