Sacramento, CA Unemployment Office – 915 Broadway
Employment Development Department 5007 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95820 Phone: (800) 480-3287 | Employment counseling Job search assistance Resume and cover letter writing assistance Interview preparation |
Here is the information about the closest Sacramento, CA Unemployment Office to 915 Broadway:
- Address: 5007 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95820, USA
- Phone: (800) 480-3287
- Website:
- Rating: 1.8 stars on Google Maps
Here are the directions from downtown Sacramento to the unemployment office by car:
- Head east on US-50 E.
- Take exit 246 for Broadway.
- Turn left onto Broadway.
- The unemployment office will be on your right.
The total distance is 5.6 miles and the driving time is 12 minutes. You can see the directions here.
I don’t have access to information about other nearby unemployment offices, but I found the following on the web: