Selma AL Career Center and Unemployment Office
Selma Affiliate Career Center 1112 Water Avenue Selma, AL 36703 Phone: (334) 872-2101 Email: Map Address | Job search assistance Resume and cover letter writing help Interview preparation Career counseling Unemployment insurance assistance |
Located in Dallas County
The Selma AL Career Center and Unemployment Office is located at 1112 Water Ave, Selma, AL 36703, USA. You can get directions from downtown Selma to the Career Center here.
The phone number is (334) 872-2101. The fax number is (334) 872-2103. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The nearest intersection is Water Avenue and Broad Street.
The services provided at the Selma AL Career Center and Unemployment Office include:
- Job search assistance
- Resume and cover letter writing help
- Interview preparation
- Career counseling
- Unemployment insurance assistance
You can contact the Selma AL Career Center and Unemployment Office by phone, fax, or in person.
The email address is
The manager of the Selma AL Career Center and Unemployment Office is Ms. Mary Smith.
Other nearby town career center or unemployment offices include:
- Alabama Career Center System – Montgomery
- 300 N. Ripley St.
- Montgomery, AL 36104
- (334) 242-3600
I hope this information is helpful.
Here are some of the questions you can contact the Unemployment Career Center Office for:
- How do I file for unemployment insurance?
- What are the eligibility requirements for unemployment insurance?
- How long will I receive unemployment benefits?
- What do I need to do to keep my unemployment benefits?
- How do I report a change in my income or employment status?
- What do I do if I have a problem with my unemployment claim?
You can also contact the Unemployment Career Center Office for questions about other employment-related services, such as job search assistance, resume writing help, and interview preparation.
How can I contact the ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR to file my claim for Unemployment Benefits?
- To file an unemployment claim visit or call 1-866-234-5382
- To file a weekly claim certification visit or telephone: Montgomery local area (334) 954-4094; Birmingham local area 205-458-2282; or other areas 800-752-7389.
- For questions or problem with your claim for unemployment benefits Call 800-361-4524
- To report unemployment tax fraud visit their website at Report Fraud or call 1-855-234-2856.
- To report unemployment fraud visit their website at Report Fraud or call 1-800-392-8019.
- To find general information on unemployment compensation visit Claims and Benefits FAQ’s OR UC General Inquiry.
- For questions on your Debit Card contact Card Services at 1-833-888-2779. OR email
- For questions about your unemployment compensation email or call (334) 956-4000.
- For questions on about an employer filed partial unemployment claim mail or call (334) 956-7481.
- For a report on past work history email or call (334) 954-4076.
- For questions on 1099-G forms you email or call (334) 956-5870.
- For questions on your direct deposit or unemployment compensation benefits you can email or call (334) 956-5870.
- For unemployment compensation appeals Visit Hearing and Appeals Section
- For Employer Tax Account numbers email or call (334) 954-4730.
- For Delinquent notices, liens, or garnishments email or call (334) 954-4723.
- For Quarterly Reports, or past reports email or call (334) 954-4701.
- For re-certifications of taxable wages or proof of payment (940C) email or call (334) 954-4701.
What Alabama Department Of Labor services can I access online?
- You can File a new unemployment claim
- File your Quarterly Work Schedule Reports
- Make tax payments
- Upload a report of injury
- Find jobs in Alabama
- View information on Alabama’s employment, unemployment, wages etc
- Open and access encrypted emails from ADOL.
How can I file An Appeal Of The Alabama Examiner’s Determination?
If for some reason you did not agree with the decision made by the Alabama Department of Labor on your filing for Unemployment Benefits you can file an appeal of the Examiner’s determination to the Hearings and Appeals Division. Your appeal should be mailed or faxed to:
Alabama Department of Labor
Hearings and Appeals Division
649 Monroe Street, Room 4677
Montgomery, Alabama 36131
Fax: (334) 956-5891