My son came to the Lafayette Ga. office for help filing for his unemployment. The lady at the desk did absolutely nothing to help him

, not to mention had no knowledge of what he needed to do. He showed her the message he received from the portal saying his employer filed it for him and there was nothing he needed to do, except click a few things in the portal to get that going, and she told him that was not correct, and he needed to file. He finally got ahold of the 800 number for unemployment where they explained that to him, and helped him get it done. I think it’s ridiculous he had to take several trips (with no gas money) up there and got no help at all, and was told incorrect information on what to do. Not to mention, every time we called it was always busy. That phone has to be off the hook. That office is not helping people at all and should be reprimanded. My son’s two other friends that were also let go, finally gave up because they got nowhere from that office. That is ridiculous, what is the point of that office when they don’t help or care! Ya’ll need to do better for people that need help and are entitled to unemployment!

A) I understand your frustration. It sounds like your son and his friends had a very negative experience at the Lafayette career center. Here’s what you can do:

  • File a complaint: The Georgia Department of Labor has a process for filing complaints about service at their career centers. You can file a complaint online or by calling the virtual agent at (877) 709-8185.
  • Report the experience to the manager: The Lafayette career center manager should be aware of the issues your son and his friends faced. You can call the center at (706) 638-5525 and ask to speak to the manager.

While these steps won’t change your son’s experience, they can hopefully help prevent others from having a similar one.

Here are some resources that might be helpful for your son in the future:

  • The Georgia Department of Labor website: This website has a wealth of information on unemployment benefits, including how to file a claim, eligibility requirements, and how much you can expect to receive
  • The Georgia Department of Labor Virtual Agent: This is a 24/7 resource that can answer many questions about unemployment benefits

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