Glen Ellyn IL Unemployment Career Center Office
workNet DuPage Career Center 2525 Cabot Dr #302, Lisle, IL 60532 Phone: (630) 955-2030 | Career counseling Job skills training Job search training workshops Labor market information |
There is no unemployment career center office in Glen Ellyn, IL. The nearest IDES workforce office is in Lisle, IL, which is about 6 miles away from Glen Ellyn, IL. The address and phone number of the Lisle office are:
- Unemployment Office
- 2525 Cabot Dr #302
- Lisle, IL 60532
- (630) 968-4500
However, the Lisle office is not open for walk-in services. You need to schedule an appointment by calling the Scheduling Hotline at (217) 558-0401¹. You can also use the online document upload portal or the dropbox at the office to submit any documents².
Alternatively, you can access IDES services online or over the phone. You can file for unemployment insurance, certify for benefits, report identity theft, find a job, and more on the IDES website³. You can also call the Claimant Services Center at (800) 244-5631 or the Employer Services at (800) 247-4984 for assistance².
Here are some of the questions you can ask the unemployment career office:
- How do I file for unemployment benefits?
- What are the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits?
- How long will it take to receive my unemployment benefits?
- What can I do if I am denied unemployment benefits?
- What resources are available to help me find a job?
Here are some other nearby town Career Center or Unemployment Offices:
- Goodwill Workforce Connection Center – Lombard
- Illinois Department of Employment Security