Jonesboro GA Career Center

Rock Staffing
809 Flint River Rd,
Jonesboro, GA 30238
Phone: (678) 856-6320
Career counseling
and assessment
Job search assistance
Resume and cover
letter writing help
Interview preparation

The Jonesboro GA Career Center is located at 809 Flint River Rd, Jonesboro, GA 30238, USA. It has a 0 star rating on Google Maps.

Here are some directions to the Jonesboro GA Career Center from downtown Jonesboro, GA via Mill St and Fayetteville Rd: directions. The total distance is 0.8 miles and it should take 4 minutes to drive.

Here are some other career centers near the Jonesboro GA Career Center:

Here are some questions you can ask the unemployment career office:

  • How do I apply for unemployment benefits?
  • What are the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits?
  • How much will I receive in unemployment benefits?
  • How long will I receive unemployment benefits for?
  • Can I work part-time and still receive unemployment benefits?
  • What should I do if I have trouble finding a job?
  • What are some job search resources available to me?
  • Can you help me with my resume and cover letter?
  • Can you help me prepare for a job interview?

General questions and information on Georgia Unemployment benefits

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